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Head Teachers Blog

Wow...a great start to the day, and week, as we recommenced our singing assemblies for the first time this academic year.


To start us off, Mrs Parnell and I met with Reception and Key Stage 1 and we sang a song to get us ready for the Harvest Festival. It was so lovely to see our youngest children meet with us in the hall. They sat and sang so beautifully and were doing a great job trying to follow the words and rhythm.


Next up, we were joined by Key Stage 2 children. We sang the same song and the children confidently sang and joined in with the round. 


A reminder that our Harvest Festival assembly, with Denise Dodd from Greasley Church (St. Marys), will be on Tuesday 3rd October and we will welcome any donations of food tins and packets. This year, we will continue to show our support to the Eastwood Food Bank. Thanks in advance for your donations and kindness.


Today, I also heard back from our two NHS visitors from last week - Nurse Louise and daughter, Hannah. Louise Bramley emailed to say what a lovely time they both had and how impressed they were with the school. 


Some of her comments included:


"Thank you do much for the wonderfully warm welcome that Hannah and I got from both staff and children. It was such a pleasure to see some familiar faces and to also meet some new ones." 


"I cannot tell you how much pride I felt to be alongside Hannah, talking about a profession that I love so much and seeing her talking in assembly"


"The schools looks amazing and felt vibrant and I have now doubt this is down to you both as leaders. I was so impressed with the children and was blown away by how well they interacted; especially given you are only a few weeks into a new school year. Year 2 we’re especially brilliant 🤩 "


"I love the pictures, thank you for sharing them. I know some of the kids and parents as I coach cricket and a couple of them had messaged me to say thank you as their kids had really enjoyed it." 


"We would love to come again next year."



Head Teacher Award for today:


Felix - Orange 2 - For his homework on Robin Hood and using paint to create a magnificent poster. This was also expertly labelled with key characters and figures related to this historic story. Well presented and very impressive.

