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Head Teacher's Blog

It's been a very busy week in school:


* Staffing confirmed for September

* Visits from new starters and their grown-ups

* Assessment week for all year groups who have not already carried out their SATs

* Residentials

* Rainbow Rewards


...and Head Teachers Awards for:


Jace and Snow in Red 1 for exceptional progress with their handwriting. The progress has now led to both children being able to write on the lines, within the lines, and with a consistent shape and size. The children were delighted to see their progress (and sticker!) :) 


Ned in Yellow 1 for being an amazing representative for Greasley on our recent residential. He was noticed by Miss Schofield, myself, other staff and Camp Commander, Tom! 


Anaiya in reception for taking her time to form recognisable letters and words in her writing. Anaiya was set a challenge to form her letters properly and remember finger spaces and she has worked hard to achieve this in her independent writing! 


Have a good weekend, everyone


Mrs Bates 
