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Head Teacher's Blog!

Week Ending 7th June 2019


Current attendance results are as follows:


1st place goes to violet 2 for 100% attendance.

2nd place goes to Blue 2 for 97.9% attendance.

3rd place goes to Orange 2 for 97.2% attendance.


Weekly update…


Welcome back to the final half of the summer term and the final half term of the academic year…I cannot believe that it is here already. We have had a great week in school and all the children returned on Wednesday in good spirits and ready for the final weeks ahead.


A short working week, but so much has happened…


On Monday, the staff were working hard to moderate judgements and gathering evidence ready for report writing. This year, we are trialling a new layout for the academic school report, which is more in line with the autumn and spring versions. We really hope that you are going to be pleased with the new format and find them much more personal and informative.


On Tuesday, we were working on developing our new curriculum ready for autumn 2019. We are VERY excited by our new ideas, planning tools and ways in which we are going to be teaching content with more depth and with more links across the curriculum. We plan to teach our curriculum around ‘concepts’ and want the children to start thinking more for themselves and answering deep enquiry-based questions. We look forward to sharing new topics, concepts and BIG questions with you ready for the autumn term.


On Thursday, we welcomed children and staff from three schools within our local community – Priory, Brookhill Leys and Lawrence View. We had a BIG sing event and it was just wonderful to experience the vibe, watch the smiles and listen to the great singing. I was very proud of ALL the children from across the family of schools, and it was also lovely to meet new faces and have great conversations with parents about us now linking more with other schools in the area.


Staff also did this on Wednesday night as we travelled over to Brookhill Leys (along with the other schools in the area) to moderate work and judgements. All judgements were confirmed and this also shows that we are working in a similar way and working together to share good practice.


On Thursday evening, following the BIG sing event, we then had our Macmillan coffee and cake sale and we had a good turnout. The hall was full of raffle ticket-buyers, coffee-drinkers and cake-munchers and the field had a great atmosphere too! I am proud of all the year 6 children for arranging the event and to the staff for supporting it.


Obviously, today we had our annual Sport’s Day. We were extremely worried about the weather forecast, but we chose to take the risk, pray that the showers were running late…and they were. We had an amazing morning and the atmosphere was truly heart-warming. There were three zones around school and it worked so well. The competitive races took part on the school field. In the hall, we had yoga, rest breaks and drinks and on KS 1 playground we had the fitness regime with parents and children…all led expertly by Coach Louise. The weather was perfect for it and we only go rained on at the very end. The children were true sportspeople and supported each other through the fitness and the competitions. Behaviour was exceptional and the whole event ran smoothly due to Mr Leyshon’s excellent planning, drive and passion for sport.


This afternoon, we had a whole school assembly about the sport’s day event and we were very happy to share with everyone the results of the top three teams. We had lots of cheering and the results were as follows:


1st place – Yellow Team

2nd place – White Team

3rd place – Green Team


Thank you to Mr Leyshon for organising the event, the kitchen team for the pizza and toast, the Greasley Hub for teas and coffees and to the whole team for making the event run so smoothly and be so enjoyable. Also, a huge thanks to the parents for coming to support the children and for donating money at the end to our current Macmillan collection. I am very grateful to everyone.


I will update you all next week on the funds raised through the Macmillan charity collections over the last two days.


What a great week and a great Friday! Have a great weekend everyone, and I look forward already to another super week next week.


Warm regards,


Michelle Bates

Head Teacher
