Head Teacher Awards:
Bliss - Yellow 1 - For working really hard in her handwriting interventions with me. She is always ready to learn and is working hard on making sure her letters are formed correctly.
Emmie and Layla-Rose - Violet 1 - For showing a good understanding of ratio and applying it to problems.
Aira, Evie and Bethany - Blue 1 - For super effort and work in descriptive writing.
Evie and Elliot - Orange 2 - For working independently to write sentences and using the conjunction 'because'.
Archie, Morgan, Will, Sophia and Ava - Violet 1 - For taking responsibility for their own learning. They finished a task and found their own extension tasks without my support.
Bluebell - Violet 1 - For great formal writing in role as Emmeline Pankhurst.
Inudi and Hunter - Rainbows Nursery - For amazing concentration and fantastic work when forming letters to write their own name. Both have also worked very hard to hold a pen and write carefully.
Olivia and Elsie-Rose - Red 2 - For creating their own story books. They made links in their learning to form their own versions of 'The Three Little Pigs'. They had little adult support and also worked really hard to read their stories to the rest of the class.
Jenson - Yellow 2 - For a fantastic non-fiction report on the Masai Mara village. Jenson carefull presented his work with well thought out spellings.