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Head Teacher Update

It's been a busy start back to the term. The newsletters show how packed the term ahead is and lots is planned. 


Thank you to everyone who has donated for our annual Christmas fair and to those who supported Remembrance Day with the sale of the poppies. 


Already, there is talk of school trips, parental events, workshops, plays, concerts at church and residentials next year. Exciting! 


Head Teacher awards this term so far go to:


Olivia D - Red 2 - For an amazing picture which was combined with her knowledge and expertise of phonics


Luchia - Reception - For being a try 'a' ceratops dinasour when writing 'd' in phonics 


Charlie - Reception - For completing a collage firework independently after watching Mrs Henaghan model it 


Blayne - Yellow 1 - For working well with Mrs Elston to add multiples of 10. He was starting to spot a pattern


Ethan, Izzie & Isabella - Year 6 - For starting a visitors book for the Parental event and retrieving many positive comments about the even from parents 


Georgie - Rainbows Nursery - For fantastic independent work completing repeating patterns 


A wonderful day also during Odd Socks last week. This is a day when schools, workplaces, and individuals join together to show that it's okay to be different and to stand up against bullying and discrimination. A perfect alignment with our Rainbow Values of 'Respect and Acceptance' and 'Inclusive yet Individual'.
