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Head Teacher's Blog!

Week Ending 20th October 2017


This week, the following children have received a Head Teacher’s Award:


Eva – EYFS – for her great Mendhi pattern and super concentration.


There is no Gold Book this week due to the INSET Day tomorrow. However, I am pleased with Class 8 for 100% attendance and class 4 for achieving 99% attendance.


Week Ending 20th October 2017


Diary of the week:


I really cannot believe that we are already at the end of the first half term of the academic year…and what a half term it has been. I am so proud of all the children and the whole team here at Greasley Beauvale. From the word go, everyone was truly on board and all children, staff and stakeholders have worked so hard. I thank everyone for their support in what has felt like a very busy and productive half term, including our very committed team of governors. School feels fabulous and we know the direction we are travelling in.


The children really have excelled this half term and during this week everyone has been involved in their half-termly assessments and have been doing great. It has also been noticed that children are approaching their learning with a Growth Mindset and thinking about how they can challenge themselves further and tackle their learning challenges with resilience, risk-taking and perseverance. I have certainly given out many headteacher’s awards and Gold Book certificates with such comments.


In addition, I have also started to receive messages from parents about how their children have begun to think about ways to persevere at home, work with parents and not to give up: not just with homework, but with tasks associated with home life too…and that is truly great! For instance, Robyn in class 2 got a jigsaw for her birthday. She was a bit worried that it might be tricky at first because it had 100 pieces, and therefore she asked her mum to help. When they’d finished, she gave her mum a high five for good teamwork, and said, 'That's what happens when you keep on trying, you can do it!' Mum shared this success story with the Early Years Team and felt this showed a great positive mindset! (Mum’s words, not mine!) - I couldn’t agree more. See Robyn’s fabulous jigsaw picture below; a picture she is very proud of.


This week, I also had a very positive meeting with ‘The Greasley Beauvale Hub’, who are ‘At the heart of the parents; the children; the school’. This team of parents are doing much work behind the scenes, along with Miss India Marvin, to arrange events, discos and fairs that will raise money for school fund. School fund allows us to spend money on the children when certain events or possibilities come to light. I can’t thank the ladies enough and they are always seeking new members to extend their team if anyone else is interested in joining…even dads! If so, then please let myself, the office or Donna Kemp know (parent in year 5).


This week has been a mixture of sporting events and preparing for Christmas performances. The football team performed very well yesterday and on Tuedsay, a team of year 5 and 6 children went to Awsworth Primary School to compete on new PE technologies with other schools in the local area and beyond. We did very well at both events and I am proud of all who took part, including the teachers and Glenn, who helped to make sure the events ran smoothly, safely and successfully. The ‘Christmas Crew’ have also been busy with their play auditions, and I can’t wait to see them get started with lines and song words in the lead up to Christmas.


We hope that school life for you here at Greasley Beauvale is going well so far. Please feel free to discuss any issues with class teachers or myself. On the flip side, share the success stories too.


Remember that tomorrow is an INSET Day and school is closed to the children. Have a great half term holiday with your families and a reminder that we return to school on Monday 30th October 2017.


Take care, keep safe and be happy!


Warm regards,


Mrs Michelle Bates

Head Teacher
